Sunday Preview – “What If Easter Had Never Happened?”

Sunday Preview – “What If Easter Had Never Happened?”

It’s a thought unthinkable.  A total game changer. What if Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead?  What if He is still in a cold Palestinian tomb?  Well, Paul tells us what would happen in a world without Easter.  Our preaching would be profitless.  Our faith would be futile, and our ministry would be meaningless if Christ is not risen from the dead.  “But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep!” (1 Cor. 15:20) I’m looking forward to preaching this message this coming Easter Sunday morning – “What If Easter Had Never Happened?”

I’m also very excited to get to gather together with you this coming Sunday at Temple.  It is going to be a tremendous time of worship and celebration of the risen Lord.  We don’t worship a dead teacher, we worship a resurrected Savior.  Death couldn’t hold our King.

I want to encourage you to do your best to not only be at Temple this Sunday morning, but bring somebody with you.  As my friend Dr. Frank Cox tweeted the other day, 82% of those you invite to come to church with you on Easter Sunday will come.  So, the question is: who have you invited?  It could just make an eternal difference in their life.

On a practical note, if you are a member or regular attender at TBC and are physically able, please park as far away from the building as possible.  There is ample parking at both the Loom and the Activity Center, not to mention up on the hill.  This will give more room for our guests on this great day.  Also, as you are finding your seat in the auditorium, please scoot as close to the middle of your aisle as are you are able.  Again, this will make it easier for our guests to find a seat.  Be friendly.  Speak to and greet those around you.  Remember how you felt the first Sunday you showed up at Temple and return the warm welcome that you received back then.

I’m trusting the Lord to do a great work this Sunday and I’m believing that He is going to touch lives, save souls and resurrect some relationships too.

It’s going to be a terrific, Christ-honoring morning of worship.  Don’t miss it.

Remember, “if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. But now Christ is risen from the dead. . .” 1 Cor. 15:17-20.


Pastor Brad

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