Posted at 14:26h
"Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day." Genesis 1:31
It was the perfect day! From evening to morning, from darkness to daytime, everything came together perfectly to create one day - and so, God rested.
Oh, that my Creator might give to me the faith of such an extraordinary experience. That He might help me to bask in evening's glory. So many times I consider God to be good and His blessing's beautiful in the morning when the sun is shining and hope is bursting forth over a new day. However, I still need to learn to thank Him for my evenings. So many times I consider what has happened during the course of my day to be happenstance, an accident, bad luck - anything and everything except God and His goodness. He is making me in His image often against my will. My forward progress is found from darkness to dawn. The time that I become aware of His work in my life is when my day truly begins.