28 Jan Worth the Read – January 28, 2017
Thank you for praying for me this week as I traveled out and back to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for a presentation for one of my Ph.D. classes. As always, it was a delight to be with my professors, Drs. Allen, McCarty, McKellar, Walker & Charette. I loved getting to sit in the President’s Box for chapel and watch how well Dr. Patterson leads and loves the students. On the way back I was able to put together this week’s reading list. It’s an interesting one for sure. You’ll find here some denominational posts as well as some very useful posts on the opportunities and challenges of ministry and how to be more effective and efficient in your work. You’ll quickly notice that not every one of these posts comes from a Christian world-view, but it’s always helpful to learn as much as you can so that you can be a better witness for Jesus. Enjoy!
Former Georgia Baptist pastor resigns as IMB trustee
The Preacher as Evangelist: Evangelistic Preaching
Inside the Church Building of 2017
What are Heaven and Hell? Morgan Freeman’s Faith Search Continues…
Planned Parenthood Lies About Prenatal Care to Hide Its Abortion Cash Cow
A Helpful Framework for Teaching in Ministry
4 Reasons Every Pastor Should Journal
Aggression in Twentysomethings’ Cohabiting, Dating, and Marriage Relationships
Podcast: Take Control of the New Year with Michael Hyatt
Why I Started Using Evernote Mobile Again
Bonus: It’s nothing close to the mansion we’ll have when we get to heaven, but check out the most expensive house in America. Yours for $250m: the most expensive house in America
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