27 Aug Worth the Read – August 27, 2016
Whew! What a whirlwind of a week. If you keep up with my travel posts, you noticed that I spent a couple of days this past week at Ph.D. orientation at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX. Thanks for your prayers and words of encouragement. I never thought that I would still be interested in formal education at this point in my life, but can’t seem to give it up. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with my two main professors, David Allen and Barry McCarty as well as Dr. Patterson. Since I spent some time on planes and the hotel room – as well as waiting around some between classes and meetings – I was able to tag a few articles I think will be of interest to you this weekend. The first post is an important post for you to begin to grasp the complex – intentionally so it seems – issue of “gender dysphoria.” There are a couple of posts for those of us who are always looking for a way to do more, better, faster. The last post is an update on Jimmy Stewart, the Alaskan missionary who was horribly burnt in an explosion earlier this summer. Please read and consider these posts. I don’t necessarily agree with every writer or endorse what they’ve written, but do believe that these posts will be beneficial as you seek to live, show, share and stand for Jesus this week. Enjoy!
1. Five Things to Know About “Gender Dysphoria” in Children
2. The Importance of a Quarterly Review
3. WHY THE BEST LEADERS ARE GREAT FOLLOWERS-5 Hidden Attributes That Command Respect
4. FIRST-PERSON: Praise God for pastoral ‘stickers’
5. Archaeology Discovery: First Century Synagogue Confirms New Testament Accounts of Jesus Christ
6. Who was Mrs. Noah?
8. Society Will Break Down Unless There Is Christian Renewal in America, R.R. Reno Says (Interview, Part 1)
9. A Clinton Presidency Would Be the Political Equivalent of an Extinction-Level Event
BONUS: What Not to Say to a Preacher’s Wife
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