Review, Reflect, Relax (Sunday, March 7, 2010)

Review, Reflect, Relax (Sunday, March 7, 2010)

As I sit here in from of a brush fire in my backyard – yes, it’s intentional and also therapeutic – i keep thinking of the verse in Hebrews 12 that says, “the Lord is a consuming fire.”  It’s not only true, its a great illustration.  He consumes all of our efforts and goals – anything and everything that is not solely for His glory.

I feel that today was that kind of a day.  The Lord was especially good and gracious. The church house was full, the altars were active, and the response was very encouraging.  For that, and so much more, I say, “Thank you, Lord.”

I started off the morning, tweeting the words of the Psalmist, “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.”  I end the day saying, “It was truly good to have been in the house of the Lord.”

As I come to the close of another Sunday in the life of a local church pastor, again, I am happy for the Lord’s blessings and I am burdened for some of my members who are facing some difficult decisions and some serious surgeries this coming week.  I pray that the Lord heals and reveals His will to them and uses us as His body to minister to their physical, emotional and even spiritual needs.

I feel that we are making progress as a young, growing church in that we are putting the priority on both reaching and maturing processes.  It’s okay to be young in the faith, it’s not okay to stay such.  So, ever onward and upward, I would say, and I hope that you join me on this journey.

Please pray for us as staff that we will not only be sensitive to the needs of our people, but also intentional and unswerving in our call to reach and teach those, not only here in the Golden Strip area, but even around the world.

Speaking of “around the world,” as I announced this morning, we are planning a mission trip to Nazareth/Petra for this coming summer. It will be a small, serious group that will be invited to be a part of this trip.  So, if you’re serious about the Lord’s mission and call, speak up early and reserve your spot.  I am told that the cost will be roughly $3,ooo.oo.

I am excited about this coming week.  I plan on spending some time tomorrow with my family, perhaps around this “campfire” – LK said that she wanted to go “camping” and “cook marshmallows.”  I also plan on digging back into Proverbs in preparation for next week’s installment of “Letters from Dad.”  Don’t miss it.

Again, I hope that you have a great night and a wonderful week – and don’t forget to look for every opportunity to share the good news of Jesus and His love with those that He brings into your path.

Night, night from the fire.

Pastor Brad.

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