Fridays Are For Family – The “Birth Day” Bible

Fridays Are For Family – The “Birth Day” Bible

This past week it hit me.  I suddenly realized that in less than a month our third child will arrive. It is an exciting and anxious time around the Whitt house. It’s exciting because we will welcome the newest member of our family. There will be joy and happiness in bringing our new baby boy home. I know that there will be sleepless nights and dirty diapers and the smell of baby powder and baby food. But, I’ve got to admit – I love being around little babies – especially when they’re mine. Now, I never thought I’d feel this way, much less say it out loud or put it in print, but it’s true.

It’s also an anxious time. The nursery still needs to be set up and put in order. All of the baby stuff needs to be brought down from the attic and cleaned. The house, and the family, needs to get ready to welcome this miracle of God, this bundle of joy, the newest baby Whitt.

One of the greatest ideas ever passed on to me as a dad came from my friend Dr. Sid Nichols. Sid is a Director of Missions for a strong Association in Alabama. I’ve known Sid most of my life. I’ve hunted with Him, called him for sermon illustrations and ideas. He’s even preached at Temple several times over the past ten years.

About four years ago while Dr. Nichols was preaching a revival meeting at Temple Baptist Church, he gave me the idea for the “Birth Day” Bible. We were expecting our first child and he gave me the suggestion of purchasing a Bible, writing my prayers and dreams for the baby on the Bible’s fly leaf on the day it was born, preaching from it for years and then giving it to my child on the day of his/her wedding. I took his idea and have done it with both of our children. It has been, and continues to be, a very special and precious part of my relationship with my two children.

Now, that I’m about a month our from our third child’s birth, I’ve been thinking about what I would write in the front of his bible. What would I pray for him? What kind of man do I desire that he grown to become? I’ve already purchased the bible, so the easy part is over. Now, comes the important and  meaningful part as I begin to pass on my faith and hope in Jesus to him and for him.

Here’s what I pray for my baby boy.

I pray that he will be saved at an early age.

I pray that he will love Jesus more than anything or anybody.

I pray that he will love his family.

I pray that he will love people.

I pray that he will live a life that honors God.

I pray that he will find God’s will for his life and pursue it with all of his heart.

I pray that he will be a faithful husband and a godly daddy.

I pray that he will serve the Lord’s church.

I pray that he will live a life of no regrets.

I pray that he will spend his life for the cause of Christ.

I pray that he will be a faithful and consistent witness.

I pray that he will be bird hunter and fly fisherman. (Ok, I’m willing to give a bit on this one.)

I pray that he will be a Tennessee Vols fan. (I’m not willing to give on this one.)

I pray that he will get to experience the rapture and meet his family in the air with Jesus.

These are some of the sentiments that I want to share and instill into my baby boy, beginning on the day that he is born. I’m looking forward to meeting this little one that the Father knitted together in his mother’s womb and loves so much that He sent his Son to die for him. I’m looking forward to seeing the Lord work in His life. Yes, I’m even looking forward to the sleepless nights and dirty diapers. Ok, maybe not so much on the dirty diapers.

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