Fridays Are For Family – Seven Keys To A Strong Marriage

Fridays Are For Family – Seven Keys To A Strong Marriage

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about weddings and marriage.  That’s not because I’m looking to get married again. (I’m happily married to the “wife of my youth.”)  The reason marriage has been in the forefront of my mind is because as we’ve  reached more and more young people through the ministry at Abilene Baptist Church I have started to receive more requests for me to counsel our young couples and perform their weddings. I count this not only as a great honor; I consider it a great responsibility.

With weddings and marriage on my mind I have begun to review my policies, counseling materials and ceremonies.  I have thought through how best to invest my life experience and knowledge of scripture into the lives, hearts and marriages of my young people. I have prayed and asked the Lord to guide my mind in helping them get started right in their new life together.

So, for those looking to tie the knot in the future, or perhaps you’ve been married for a while and are looking for ways to strengthen your marriage, let me share “Seven Keys To A Strong Marriage.”

1. Two must become one – spiritually, emotionally and physically.

2. You will either communicate or you’ll disintegrate. 

3. Learn to spell love this way: T-I-M-E.

4. Keep growing closer to Jesus and each other.

5. Commit to physical and emotional faithfulness.

6. Keep it honest.

7. Remember that love isn’t a noun, it’s a verb.

I have a great love and hope for our young couples. I want them to have happy, healthy and holy marriages. My prayer is that these seven simple statements will help you build a strong marriage, love each other and live a life together that glorifies Jesus.




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