Fridays Are For Family – How To Pray For Your Children

Fridays Are For Family – How To Pray For Your Children

One of my earliest memories is that of hearing my mom, early in the morning, praying for me and my two brothers. I remember waking up and hearing someone talking in the house, but I knew that by that time my dad had already left for the day. So I knew it was my mom who was doing the talking, but who was she talking to? As I lay there in my little twin bed I tried to listen to the conversation, and as I did my young mind finally realized who it was that she was talking to – it was God. She was talking to God about me and my brothers. I’ll never forget that day. It has made a deep, meaningful and eternal impact in my life.

I also remember the nights when my dad would come into my room after he got home from preaching or visiting. He would come in, sit on my bed and pray for me. I don’t remember what he prayed, just that he prayed. Again, it has left an indelible mark on my life.

Let me ask you, do you pray for your children? Do you take them to your heavenly Father, asking Him to take care of them? Watch over them? Provide for them? Do you pray for their education – that they will learn what they are supposed to learn in school that day? Do you pray for that person they will marry and spend the rest of their life with? Do you pray that they will stay pure, both before and after marriage? What about their salvation? Do you pray that they will come to know Christ at an early age and then spend the rest of their life serving Him? Do you pray for your children?

I know without a doubt that the prayers my mom and dad have prayed for me, both when I was growing up and even to this day, have had a great influence in my life. It’s a large part of the reason why I pray for my children when I put them to bed each night.

So, with that in mind I want to share with you a weekly prayer calender that you can use as you pray for your children. I trust that it will be a help and an encouragement as you pray for them.

MONDAY – Ask the Lord to protect your children. To place a hedge of protection around them and keep them safe physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

TUESDAY – Pray that your children will have wisdom in whom they select as friends. Pray that these friends will have a positive impact in their lives.

WEDNESDAY – Pray that your children will remain pure in both thought and deed.

THURSDAY – Pray that if your children begin to cheat or lie or steal that they will be caught.

FRIDAY – Pray that your children’s minds will be alert and focused as they attend school, are involved in extracurricular activities and take their tests.

SATURDAY – Pray specifically for that person your child will marry someday.

SUNDAY – Ask God to draw them close and help them live their lives for Him.

Remember  James 5:16, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man ( or woman ) avails much.” Don’t forget to pray for your children.

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