Fridays Are For Family – Daddy+Mommy+Jesus=Happy Home

Fridays Are For Family – Daddy+Mommy+Jesus=Happy Home

I don’t know about you, but there are very few things better than spending time with the ones you love, doing what you love to do. I hope that you’re making time together with your family (and by that I mean actually time with your family, not simply sitting at some event  or activity somewhere) a priority in your family.  If you haven’t done so, grab your calendar and take time right now to schedule “appointments” just to spend time together as a family.

Today I want to share what is perhaps one of the most important truths that I can share with you about how to have a happy home.

Here is a key verse for your family.

“…And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12

I’m no math genius, but here’s a fantastic formula for your family:

Daddy+Mommy+Jesus=Happy Home.

Let me explain what I mean by that. Where you have a daddy and mommy who love Jesus and each other, there will be a security and a peace that will provide the optimal environment in which healthy children, relationships and lives can grow and flourish – together.

With that in mind, let me give you six simple statements that ought to be understood and agreed to between husband and wife.

  • As husband and wife, we will put Jesus first and each other second.
  • As husband and wife, we will provide an atmosphere of emotional, physical and spiritual security.
  • As husband and wife, we pledge to give unconditional love and acceptance.
  • As husband and wife, we promise to say in hundreds of ways, every day, “We belong together – here!”
  • As husband and wife, we will provide for, and be sensitive to, each other’s needs.
  • As husband and wife, we will present absolute loyalty to one another – in spite of all rumors and criticism, in the face of failure, and in spite of disappointments.

Never forget – your home ought to be the safest, most secure and revitalizing place on earth. Do the math and it will all add up!

1 Comment
  • Jimmy Skelton
    Posted at 11:24h, 13 May


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