Devotional Thought – Why Heaven Remains Hidden

Devotional Thought – Why Heaven Remains Hidden

“…but we shall all be changed…”  1st Cor. 15:51

It’s a question that I have asked myself many times over the years: why is the Bible, and even Son of Man  Himself, so silent about what awaits – the destiny and destination of – the sons of men?

Oh, to be sure, we are told about mansions, but we’re not told what they’ll look like.  Other faiths spell out in minute detail the destiny – from their perspective – of those who would follow them.  But even the Beloved Disciple only gives us this passing phrase: “…and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be…”  (1 John 3:2)

How are we to understand this?  We’re not.  Not yet. That’s why Paul gives the initial requirement: “we shall all be changed…” You see, that is the key.  What is the use of describing the splendors and joys of Heaven now? At this point would they be so splendid or joyous?

We don’t tell our young children what all joys and pleasures they will have when they are adults while they are still children, do we?  Of course not. Why? Because those things are out of their reach, beyond their comprehension, at this point.

I wouldn’t attempt to tell my two year old son of the things that he will one day as a man enjoy.  He couldn’t appreciate how there could ever come a time when he would be more happy not playing, than playing. It would seem impossible to him to be so caught up, enjoy and find personal fulfillment in study, work, responsibility and duty. He can’t see these things from where he is now. But one day, when he is changed, he will see their beauty and glory.

I hear many who say they want heaven to be revealed to them now.  They don’t realize what they are requesting.  They are not yet ready for their wish to be a reality.  There is no way that they could appreciate right here and now the pleasures that await them then and there at the right hand of God.  What if that which they consider pain here is really joy over there?  Or vice versa.

I’m afraid that we often fail to realize that the true joy of real love is not the passing fancy of lovelessness.  Real love surrenders itself, gives itself – fully.  Lovelessness keeps itself and gives nothing.  It only demands that others give.

If Heaven were to open up before us today and we were to see it as it really and truly is, many might actually be frightened.  Many would cry out for the rocks to fall and cover them, for the mountains to move and block their view.  For there to be real, true joy in the revealing of Heaven they would have to first be changed.

You see, it is not every one who can rejoice at being sent out as a minister to those who are the heirs of salvation. To fully rejoice in that assignment we must first be changed.  And even if death were destroyed today that need would still remain.  You see, it is life, not death that demands the change.  And it is not death that delivers the change, but rather the Holy Spirit of God.

The good news is that you don’t have to wait for death to change you.  The Spirit can do that work today, right now, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.

Blessed are they “who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.” Matt. 16:28

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