Devotional Thought – When God Speaks Through Silence

Devotional Thought – When God Speaks Through Silence

“When the voice had ceased, Jesus was found alone. But they kept quiet, and told no one in those days any of the things they had seen.” Luke 9:36

Sometimes God speaks through silence.  There are times when the Lord’s voice dies upon the mountain, and the mountain shares no testimony. We cry out to Heaven but hear no answer. We question the Lord but receive no reply. Yet, it is in the silence that a revelation comes in the form of a man. I descend from the summit of Divine speculation to the valley of human sympathy. I see my brother because God has chosen to hide Himself. Oh, what a divine descent it is.

From the mountain’s height everything on earth seems so small: its crosses shrink in the infinite light of eternity, and I am prone to be unsympathetic to the pain of the human heart. The worn and wearied’s cries are lost amidst the songs and shouts of the redeemed. That’s why many times my Heavenly Father comes to me in silence’s chariot. He hides Himself from my sight. He shuts the door to the sacred sanctuary. He pulls a cloud over His great glory. He makes me looks down, not up. He draws my attention from the crown to the cross. He causes me to focus, not on Heaven’s opening, but earth’s imprisoned.  He points me to the solitary Savior – Jesus alone. He shows me Jesus without His pomp, power, or kingdom. He reveals the weakened form of Christ sinking under the weight of humanity’s sinful woe. God’s silence reveals Man.

If you constantly beat in vain against eternity’s problems, turn aside and be set free. Sometimes God speaks through silence. He says to stop gazing up into Heaven. He says that you’re not ready for life on the mount. He calls you to come back to the plain – from the search for the divine to sympathy for mankind. His silence shrouds your face like Moses’ and teaches you to be meek by the loss of vision. Listen to His silence, and learn from it. Go down and kneel next to Jesus under darkened Heavens; wait and watch with Him in His humiliating hour. Walk with Him down among mankind to sense and share their agony. You will miss nothing in the divine silence if you will only find Jesus alone.

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