Devotional Thought – Walking With God

Devotional Thought – Walking With God

“So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.”  Genesis 5:23-24

It’s said that great men have short biographies.  That’s certainly true about a man named Enoch.  His was the greatest life ever lived in that old world – the world before the flood.  He stood head and shoulders above any other antediluvian, yet his life was the shortest of all.  His years number less than those of his ancestors. Less is said about his life than anyone else around him.  Why is that?  Because he lived a life that was far greater than theirs.  He lived a life that was more inward and thus was more naturally hidden.  The part that burned hotter and brighter in his life was that part that is most often overlooked in the lives of men – his heart, his soul, his spirit.

Enoch’s was a life that was hidden in God because the essence of his life was that of His God – love.  His was a life which was divine in its walk and thus it was seen as insignificant to those of his day – something to be forgotten.  Yet, there is nothing else that is remembered in that old world.  The wars and rumors of wars.  Who married or was given in marriage. The business deals, political alliances and grand parties of that age have all been numbered with the dead – but not Enoch, for by his walk with God he lives forevermore.

What I learn from the short, yet strong life of this man named Enoch is that my walk with God is the evidence of my immortality.  What makes man different, unique, from the animals? It is his ability to walk with God. That is something that no other creature in all of His creation can share. I can be lifted above all that is seen and is passing away and enter into that which is unseen and eternal. No low theory of the human mind can take this hope from me.  In fact, its really not even hope, or faith, or something that needs to be proven. It is sight. A present fact. A personal experience of a life that has already begun.  My hope of glory is Christ in me.  I am immortal before I die.  I am already in the promised land of God – seated with Christ in the heavenlies.  When death comes looking for me, he will discover that I have already escaped and will have to write the record of his own dismay, “He was not found, for God took him.”

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