Devotional Thought – The Might Of Meekness

Devotional Thought – The Might Of Meekness

“Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5

There is a meekness that will not inherit anything. There are two types of calmness that can be found in this world. There is the calmness that is found in a stale, stagnant pond, and that which is found in the depths of the mighty sea. One is quiet because it doesn’t have anything to say. The other is so because it keeps itself from speaking. That is the greatness and glory of the latter. It is a meekness that remains silent, not because it is empty, but because of the fact that its depths are full.

Why is it that I love and admire the gentleness of Jesus so? There are countless thousands of silent souls in the world who do not strive or struggle or strain, but I do not call or consider them to be divine. So, why has the gentleness of Jesus made Him so great and glorious to me? It is because of the fact that in Him I find the stillness and quiet calm of His creation. It is a quietness that doesn’t exist because it has to or needs to, but because it chooses to do so.

I know that His beautiful sky could begin to frown and thunder and crack and send lightening down on this earth if He so chose, but I am thankful for the gift of a quiet, calm, beautiful day. Yet, even in the midst of a cloudless sky I understand that beneath the sky’s silent surface  there are depths of countless unspeakable voices, feelings that are unfathomable and powers that are beyond measure. I know by instinct that no man takes His life from Him, but that He and He alone has the power to lay it down – and take it up again. I know that if He so chose He could call ten thousand angels to make Gethsemane into Sinai. He could change the calm into a tremendous storm and I respect and revere such strength that will not do what it could do so easily and immediately.

I bow before the might of the Lord’s meekness. I stand in absolute amazement in the presence of the One who is so mighty that He could empty Himself of His might. He is more wonderful while hanging on the cross than even when wearing His crown, for He is greater because of what He laid aside than what He possessed. His glory is His shame. His majesty is the surrender of Himself. His royalty is found in His service. His power to rule come from His power to bear. He is the head over the whole body of humanity, for that reason He took all of the pains of all of its members and opened not His mouth. His gentleness has made Him great and His meekness has inherited the earth.


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