Devotional Thought – The Light Of Life

Devotional Thought – The Light Of Life

“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12

No light in all the world is so beautiful as the light of life. No light is so revealing either. Nature’s light doesn’t tell us half as much as we’d like to know. In fact, there is a greater revelation in the faintest breath of life than in the strongest tremors of the brightest stars.  The helpless cry of a baby has more to say to the human heart than the noonday sun in all of its strength. Life’s light carries in its very being all possible revelations for it reveals both my God and my immortality.  All arguments for the existence of my God pale in comparison before this certainty and all arguments for my immortality fail in the brilliance of immortality begun. Life is like Jacob’s ladder, reaching from earth to heaven and binding the two.  The smallest spark of life is the very first ascending step whose midpoint is the angel and whose summit is God’s own throne.  The more life that is in me, the closer I am to His Throne.  My revelation doesn’t grow from what I receive from without, but rather from what I gain from within. Doesn’t the scripture say, “”And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God…”? How marvelous is that? That I can have this unbelievable glory – here and now, in this world. “He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” It won’t come to me by dying, but by following – following the steps of Jesus through His straight gate and narrow path. It’s by taking up the cross, lifting the burden, bearing the sacrifice, doing His will that I can know this truth.

Have you measured the true value of your life? It’s not found in its leading but in its following.  It’s not what you have that reveals to you your immortality – it’s the sense of what you don’t have.  Your measure is found in your aspiration, in your thirst for Jesus. Everything rises to its own level. If your goal were dust, then you wouldn’t seek to be anything more than dust. As long as you are a child of the dust then the dust would satisfy you. It is the smallness of your life that makes you so.  But as your life grows it looks for more than it can get down here below. It seeks the measure of the perfect Man – His fulness that fills all in all.  Your glory is your power to follow; it says to you that there is something beyond, bigger than you that is yet your birthright. Your cry for God is His voice within you. Your longing for Heaven’s air is the breath of Heaven in your heart. Your conscious desire is your open door. Your sense of sin is your Pisgah’s height. And your vision of the world’s growing shadow is made by the light of eternal life.

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