Devotional Thought – The Imputing Power of Divine Love

Devotional Thought – The Imputing Power of Divine Love

“…So that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” Acts 3:19

There is an important word here that has escaped most commentators, and that elusive word is “from.” What Peter wants is not just a refreshing of Christ’s presence in his life. He desires that the person of Christ be the center from which all refreshment radiates. It is a radiance that refreshes even those things that are unrefreshing. What Peter prays for is the giving of a glory to things which are not naturally or normally glorious.

Is there anything else that can do something such as this? Do you know of anything that can give its own righteousness to another? There is only one thing that I know of that can influence everything else around it – the imputing power of Divine Love.  Love doesn’t just have a beauty of its own. Love has the power to make other objects beautiful – to refresh those things that are unrefreshing. Love gives to everything else its own righteousness.

When my heart is refreshed by the awareness that Love is near then the world around me is refreshed too. When Love draws near not only do the great things of creation sing, but even the lowliest things are glorified. The dirt and rocks and trees – even the grass under my feet are set on fire with unspeakable expressions. When Love is walking by my side the long road is made short, and the dirty path is made clean.

Yesterday I walked alone and found the road unbearable, but with Him by my side today the path passed too quickly.  Yesterday I complained about the falling rain, but as I walk out to meet my Master today I think to myself, “It’s just a little shower.” That’s the imputing power of Love.

Today I ask more of Jesus than to just let me come running to His arms and to hide me from the raging waves of this life. I ask of Him to make even the howling winds and the crashing waves to become music because He is near. Its not enough for me to nestle in His beauty. I desire that His beauty radiate and refresh everything around me.

So many times I have thanked my Lord for His imputed righteousness in my life, and it’s right that I should do that. However, my heart has a deep desire for His imputed righteousness to impact everything around me. I want my love for Him to glorify my world.  I pray that His presence would radiate and permeate my everyday environment!

Oh, that He would send the vicarious joy of divine love! How I desire that from His glorious presence every presence would be refreshed! Then the sun would shine with a new lustre, and the stars would sparkle with a new glitter and the flowers would pulse with a new color. The common paths would become great adventures, and the everyday chores would be seen as Heavenly work.

Oh Lord, that Your love would gild even the ground that I walk on today. May everything I do today be surrounded by Your song, and may your presence be real and radiant in my life. Then I will know what Peter meant when he spoke of refreshing times that come “from the presence of the Lord.”


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