Devotional Thought – The Hands Of The Living God

Devotional Thought – The Hands Of The Living God

“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Hebrews 10:31

Yes, it is a fearful thing to fall into God’s hands. However, I think that it is an even more terrible thing not to fall into His hands. To fall into God’s hands, no doubt, brings pain because the passage from death to life is always painful. The first sensation a newborn baby feels is pain because life has come and with it the battle with the old domain of death.

There is naturally a fear that exists in life that does not live in those things that are lifeless. The essence of life is by nature an awful and fearful thing. However, would you rather there not be life? Would you rather be a dirt clod or a rock? I think I know your answer – Absolutely not! The power of the life you possess is part of your glory.

The same thing is true with your spiritual life. When it come it carries a great deal of pain. Suddenly you experience the awful fear that comes with the realization that you are a responsible soul. You realize that you have violated the holy laws of the Holy God. You are suddenly – painfully – aware of your own wretchedness, and it causes you to cry out, “I am a sinful man!”

When you come into the presence of the pure and righteous God, it is then that you begin to realize just how impure and unrighteous you are. Then comes the struggle. Then begins the battle of your impure, unrighteous life. The fruit of your new birth is the struggle of your soul. Your old life was like a stale, stagnant pond. Your new life is like a rolling, tossing sea. Its raging waves are, in fact, its glory. The storms that come to it are the sure sign of a greater destiny.

To fall into the hands of the Living God is no doubt a fearful thing. In fact, it is the beginning of my fears because suddenly I am aware of my responsibilities. In His hands I learn just how horribly sinful I am. In His hands I see just how little of my potential I have achieved. That’s why there is no place that I would rather be. The fear that comes by my contact with Him is surely the beginning of wisdom. The greatest penalty then, if it were possible, would be to fall out of His hands because to be out of His hands means to be dead.

There is pain that comes with being in the presence of the Living God that is not found outside of His presence. Don’t misunderstand, it is a loving pain that is the pain of the Christ-life. That’s the life that I long for – to be lifted up into His presence, to experience the fellowship of His sufferings, to know Him and the fear that is found in fellowship with Him.

Lord, how I long for your hands to hold me in your fear. Let me learn in Your life just how solemn mine is. Let me see Your glory and my poverty.  I will not turn from the fear of seeing my own depravity as long as I know that the mirror has been formed by the hands of the Living God.

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