Devotional Thought – Strength For Today

Devotional Thought – Strength For Today

“…As your days, so shall your strength be.” Deut. 33:25

Do you ever fret about the future? Are you troubled about tomorrow? Do you see storms on the horizon that you don’t have the strength to face today? Well, understand, God hasn’t given you strength to meet tomorrow – He has given you strength for today. However, when tomorrow becomes today you will discover that you have strength enough for that day too.

Why do you worry and fret over something that has yet to come? As a child of the King, you are born afresh and anew every day. Your armor is polished bright to fight every rising sun. That’s why when the battle comes you will chuckle at the thought of your previous fears. You will even say of the last enemy to be conquered, “O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?” You will wonder as you walk through the valley of the shadow how you could walk with such confidence. You will ask yourself, “Can this really be the darkness of death?” You will be amazed to hear it’s wilderness break forth into singing, and see it’s desert begin to blossom and bloom.  It will be surprising to see so many lights flickering and gleaming in that valley.  But, those lights will not be found in that valley – they will be found in you! God will not only empower you for dangerous days, He will illuminate you for dark days. And, what shadows can stand in the presence of His brilliance?

So, rest with peaceful assurance, and walk without fear. The Lord’s light will not come before the shadows, but it will come. Don’t make yourself weak with worry or faint with fear before the battle even begins. Take heart, be confident and courageous. Because, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the trumpet is sounded for battle, you will find that you have more than enough “strength for today.”

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