Devotional Thought – How To Be Holy

Devotional Thought – How To Be Holy

“Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the LORD. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, Like the latter and former rain to the earth.” Hosea 6:3

To “know the Lord” is indeed an audacious aim for a finite soul. Yet, I find that my soul is satisfied with nothing less. Night and day I beat at the walls of my prison. I struggle with the mystery that surrounds my being. I long for the only Light that can make sense of the darkness. I would surely be content just to touch the hem of the Master’s garment as He passes by. However, to “know Him,” to really “know Him” is no doubt the greatest gift of life everlasting.

Surprisingly I discover that it is not through searching for God that I find Him. It is only through following Him that He is ultimately known. This knowledge is not found at the beginning of life, but rather at the end of life. It doesn’t come in the spring, but the summer. It is seen in the bloom, not the bud. It isn’t the embryo of my experience, but the fruit of a faithful walk with Him.

If I were to have some miraculous, magnificent vision of God would this make me like Him? No. The prophet says that it is only by following after Him that I can truly know Him.  Practice is the alphabet of Heavenly knowledge. Do you desire to know His doctrine? Then you must do what He says. Would you want to see God? Then, you must be pure in heart. Do you want to see Him as He truly is? Then you must first be like Him.

God is love. Of course, He has other attributes, but love is His chief characteristic. It is what He is and only love can look upon love. Can you hear music with your eyes or see colors with your ears? No, and it’s by no other organ than the heart that you can look upon love. It is the heart that is the sense that can see God, and it is the heart that is the life of love. So, if you will walk with Him daily you will learn to know Him, and by knowing Him more you will come to love what He loves.  When you have followed Him into the Garden of Gethsemane you will know as you are known.

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