Devotional Thought – Fit For Glory

Devotional Thought – Fit For Glory

“By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” Hebrews 11:5

Doesn’t the end of this verse seem to be a bit anticlimactic? Think about it. The writer of Hebrews tells us that Enoch was taken – translated, raptured – to Heaven, and what a truly tremendous revelation that is. But, for the writer of Hebrews to then add to such an amazing account the fact that before Enoch was taken “he had this testimony, that he pleased God” is no doubt evident and expected. In fact, one could easily say, “Well that makes sense, he got to go to the place of God so surely it is unnecessary to say he had pleased the person of God.” Well, actually it isn’t superfluous at all. In fact, it is the one thing that is necessary to finish such a fantastic picture.

You see, today we talk about being raptured to Heaven as if that is the only thing that would be needed to make us happy. When, in reality, it wouldn’t make us happy at all, unless before we were taken there was already the joy of Heaven in our hearts.  For me to meet God – come face to face with Him – wouldn’t be a happy or joyous time if I had not already received the Spirit of God.

If I were invited to spend an afternoon with somebody who was imminently educated, a genius even, in some art or field of study would that be a source of joy in my soul? It all depends on whether or not I was prepared to be in their presence. To sit and talk with some world renown poet would be torture if I were not a poet at heart. To have lunch with a world famous musician wouldn’t be fun at all if there were not a song in my heart. So, to be raptured to glory would be pure misery if there was not already the Spirit of Heaven in my soul. You see, I must first know the mind of Christ before I can truly rejoice in the sight of God.

Do you think that it would make you happy to be raptured up to Heaven today? Don’t answer too quickly. Take a moment to really consider your response and the implications. Ask yourself, “Am I already in sympathy with the joys of Heaven?” If there is not already Heaven in your heart, then how in the world is simply changing locations going to make any difference at all? If you are not already heavenly-minded, then how could a fiery-chariot ride cause your thoughts to become so? You see, there is something more that is necessary if your rapture is to make a joyful difference in your soul. You must come to know the One beyond death on this side of death. There must be a relationship with the One who is “the Way, the Truth and the Life,” before you leave this life if eternity is to be a happy, joyful place for you.

“Lord, take those things which are Yours and show them to me. Help me to learn to love them while I am on this side of the Valley of the Shadow of Death. I don’t want to meet them and see them as some sort of strange objects of a foreign land. Teach me while I am here the elementary, essential lessons of Heaven. Let pleasing you here become my pleasure. May serving you now be my freedom, and knowing you more today be my life. May beholding your beauty inspire me to seek You even more. Show me the joy of Your salvation so that the place of Your salvation would not be a source of pain. This is the testimony I ask before I am taken. Amen.”

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    Posted at 13:50h, 06 November

    […] “Fit for Glory,” by Brad Whitt on his blog, with a devotional reflection on Enoch’s life drawn from Hebrews 11:5. […]

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