Devotional Thought – Faith For An Unknown Road

Devotional Thought – Faith For An Unknown Road

“By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.” Hebrews 11:8

The writer of Hebrews tells us of Abraham’s divine call to go forward and found a new nation. In doing so, he teaches us that is a great mistake for us to think that faith is only necessary for heavenly, or spiritual, things. In fact, I find that I can’t take a single step without faith in God’s plan for my daily life.

Do you think that Abraham is the exception to the rule? Is He so different from the rest of humanity as to be the rule’s opposition rather than its illustration? No; to every young person, just like it did to young Abraham, there comes a divine call for daily life. How does this call come? It comes in the dreams and aspirations of a young heart.

There have been times in my life where God has taken me, like He took Abraham, out into the open spaces. He has directed my attention to the stars of the night sky and said, “You are greater than all of these. Fulfill the destiny I have created for you!” However, unlike Abraham, so often I am not satisfied with the simple call of God. I have to have more proof. So, I withdraw from the road that lies before me. I have every intention of getting started with my life’s mission, but there is such joy in dreaming about it, that I procrastinate putting down that first step forward on an unknown road. I say to myself, “I’ll get up and go tomorrow.” but “tomorrow” never comes.

If youth would only move forward to fulfill its God-given dreams it would find that it would sooner reach their promised land. But, so many times youth distrusts its dreams, and is ashamed of its aspirations. It believes that they must be too good to be true. It feels that there is strength for today, but not for tomorrow so it sits down and refuses to go any further.

How can youth move past the looming cloud in tomorrow’s sky? How can it get over the barrier it sees coming next week? How can it overcome the obstacle it sees approaching with another year? Does faith possess the power to answer these questions? No, because then it would not be faith. You see, faith doesn’t show us the how, that it leaves to sight. Faith points toward the end of the road, and leaves it to reason to show us how to get there.

You will never learn the hidden strength found in tomorrow until you have first utilized the strength of today. It is only through stepping out on an unknown road that the unknown can ever become known. There is a great reservoir of power slumbering in your heart, just waiting for the moment of need. Head out early in the morning to meet your destiny, and the power will be there waiting for you. Step forward in faith, trusting that the unseen door will unlock at your approach and allow you to pass through. Go out, undeterred by the daunting thought of Moriah’s sacrifice, and you will find when you reach the summit that which is yet unseen – that the Lord Himself has already provided the needed sacrifice!

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