Devotional Thought – Don’t Knock The Knock

Devotional Thought – Don’t Knock The Knock

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock…” Revelation 3:20

What does a knock mean?  Why does the Revelator write that the Resurrected Lord stands and knocks – waiting patiently for the door to be opened?  Why doesn’t Jesus just go ahead and come on in?  Surely He is powerful and forceful enough to do so.  After all, He created the sun, moon and stars in the beginning.  He created everything that is and has been used to build the house and even the door that gives entry into it.

So,why does He stand there waiting for the door of the human heart to be opened?  Couldn’t He break down every barrier that blocks His claim to everything that exists more quickly than it even takes time to read of it?  Absolutely.  But in doing so He would destroy the house – man himself.

You see, what makes me as a man different from everything else that the Creator has created is the very power to open or leave the door shut.  If the choice were not mine to make then I would not be responsible.  Oh, the Lord could do with me whatever He wanted, but at that point I would not be worth His having.  I would be no different than the trees that stand and sway or the stars that twinkle and shine or the waves that roll and are still at His command.  But if these other things that He created had been enough He would have never uttered the words, “Let us make man…”

I was made for the very purpose that a tree, a star or a rolling wave could never fulfill.  I was made to respond willingly to Him – to open the door when He knocks.  That’s why He would have no joy in breaking my heart’s door down or in conquering the kingdom of my soul through sheer force.  There would be no response for Him to smile over.  My heart would not answer to His heart, nor my will to His will.  That’s why He would prefer to stand and knock until I willingly respond.  He would not destroy who He made me to be because He is love and love naturally requires love.

I’m learning to listen to how my loving Lord knocks at the door of my heart and then to quickly respond.  You see, He didn’t create me to be moved here and there by His dictates like the waves or wind.  He didn’t create me to fulfill His will unwillingly or to obey His law unknowingly.  He desires that I go where He goes and dwell where He dwells because I desire nothing better than to follow Him.  The events that come into my life are those good and perfect gifts that come from above – even the times of sadness or sorrow.  My heart must be open to responding to and receiving Him – no matter the weather or season.  In the sunshine of summer or the sleet of winter I must willfully and joyfully receive Him.  “Knock Lord, and I will open my life to You.”

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