20 Jan Devotional Thought – All In All In God
“Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.” 1 Corinthians 15:28
Does this verse mean that my life is supposed to be lost in God? Is my whole being, my entire personality, to be overshadowed and absorbed by the life of my Lord? Is there to be no more individuality to my life in Christ than there is to a single drop of water in the vastness of the ocean? If that be true, then it is not life, but death that is to be my end. If my being is to melt into God’s being like a cloud dissolves into the sun’s blinding blaze, then that would mean that God is not my life but my dissolution. He would no longer be able to say, “Because I live, you will live.”
Thankfully, that is not true. It is a misreading of man’s destiny to say that once he is in Christ that he ceases to exist. You see, the apostle doesn’t say that God is to be all, but rather that He is to be “all in all.” His infinite, eternal, universal life does not destroy lives; it pulsates through those our lives. His song saturates the world through the world’s various instruments. His light illuminates the universe, reflected by countless different surfaces. His passion permeates creation through the souls of untold numbers of those who love Him.
Poets speak of being lost in the ocean of His love, but that is poetry – it is not reality. True love, God’s love, isn’t an ocean where a man loses himself. It is a place where man finds himself as his Creator originally intended. The only ocean of love where man loses himself is the ocean of self-love. God’s love gives back his life so that he may keep it for all eternity. That’s why you will never be your real self until you finally and fully find yourself in Him.
Do you desire to see yourself as you truly are? Then you must see His glory in the mirror. You will never have real power within until God has become all in all in you. You have never really lived until you have lived in Him. You must forget yourself in Him. You must forget your pride and selfishness, your cares and your crosses – everything and anything that you carry within. Unlock and open the doors of your life to the life of Him who is already there knocking and waiting to come in. Your forgetfulness of self will be your strength. Your surrender will make you mighty. Your death will spring forth into everlasting life. The form of your being will become beautiful when it’s gilded by His glorious life. Your song will be sweet when it is tuned to His voice. Your heart will be set aflame when it is enraptured with His love. You will be everything and more when God shall be all in you.
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