02 Oct Sunday Morning Prayer by Dr. Joseph Parker – October 2, 2016
From Dr. Parker's sermon on Matthew 5:21-32. "Almighty God, surely thy word is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of the joints...
From Dr. Parker's sermon on Matthew 5:21-32. "Almighty God, surely thy word is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of the joints...
Almighty God, for every gentle promise of thine, our hearts would bless thee. We need thy tenderest word, for the wounds in our life are...
Almighty God, we bless thee for the gift of rest. Enable us to take it as thou dost give it with joyfulness, and may we,...
From Dr. Parker's sermon on Matthew 5:13-16. "Almighty God, surely thou dost put us into the fire to take out of us all that is bad,...
Almighty God, we cannot mistake thy word. It is as fire and it is as music, it is as the sound of a mighty wind...
From Dr. Parker’s Sermon on Hebrews 6:9 Almighty God, we bless thee for the uplifted Cross, whose light fills creation. We see a Cross everywhere; its...