Fridays Are For Family

Note: In light of the recent controversy surrounding charges of child molestation at Penn State, I will delay posting the second part of  "Simple Advice For A Successful Marriage" until next week so that I may deal with this serious issue facing families in a timely manner. When I was growing up my parents were overprotective, unrealistic, nosey, bossy and didn't understand at all my need for freedom or privacy ... and I'm thankful.  I know that may sound odd in our current culture of parental obliviousness, but when I see the dangerous - and even deadly - world that children are raised in today,  I am thankful that my parents loved me enough to not let me do whatever I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.

Let's just be honest, we're too busy as families and couples today. We're so busy trying to do everything that we want to do, or are expected to do, that we don't have time to slow down and enjoy the life that we have together. As the old saying goes, "We're so busy trying to make a living that we fail to make a life." As a pastor I find that this is increasingly true in many marriages - mine included. There's just so much to get done and not enough time in the day to do it. Wouldn't you love for there to be just three or four more hours in a day? Some days I'd settle for just ten more minutes.

Last night I joined with about 20 men of different ages from our church and went and watched Sherwood Pictures' new movie, "Courageous." I know, I'm well over a week late (not counting the previews) and there have been many, many reviews and observations shared in recent days about this tremendously popular and powerful film. But, I've never been one to jump on the bus with everybody else, no matter what the denominational program or latest Christian craze. In fact, as a pastor I normally don't do - or lead my church to do - what everybody else is doing. I know that may be a character flaw or mean that some great opportunities are missed, but I was raised in "church world" and so there is an inherent resistance, and just to be honest, a suspicion when everybody else is jumping in and getting caught up in the latest religious fad.

Fall is in the air. At least it is today here in the Upstate of South Carolina. Who knows what tomorrow - or next week - will bring? It may warm back up a bit or even turn off hot again, but today my senses tell me that Fall is not too far away. I don't know if you're like me, but I think that there is something really fantastic about Fall.  Maybe it is the cooler temperatures after a long, hot summer. Maybe it's the beautiful color of the leaves as they begin to turn from green to red to orange to yellow. Maybe it's Saturday in front of the TV, or at the stadium, watching your favorite football team battle it out on the gridiron. Maybe it's all of the great opportunities to spend time outdoors with the family. Whatever the reason, I have to admit that I love this season.