
"For as the body without the spirit is dead..." James 2:26 Can anybody give a definition of death? Does the Bible tell us exactly what it is? Yes. In fact, in the words before us we have what is surely the simplest, shortest, most straight forward definition of death to be found anywhere.  James tells us that death is the body without the spirit. What a wonderful explanation. James doesn't say that death means that the life of the body is extinguished, not at all.  It is simply that the life is absent - it's away. The body is without the spirit. This verse doesn't tell us that to die means that the spirit is without a body.  Or, to put it another way, that the spirit without the body is dead. Absolutely not.  The spirit can not die. It doesn't matter if it is on the inside or the outside of the body.

"Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind. . ."  1 Peter 4:1 The context is considerable.  These words were spoken in the middle of a military empire.  They were delivered to a people who were disciplined in the use of weapons as a way of life.  It must have been startling then to hear these words from Peter.  It was the promise of a new kind of armor; a new type of defense.  It must have caught them off guard and left them flatfooted.  Then they must have laughed.  There was nothing tangible to it.  It wasn't tall and skinny, short and fat, lightweight or heavy.  It couldn't cause the first wound on the most elementary enemy.  It was, in fact, a wound itself.

"Then they began to plead with Him to depart from their region." Mark 5:17 This must be the most unusual prayer found in the Bible. In fact, you could say that this is the most unusual prayer ever prayed.  You see, we know about the prayerfulness of the godly, and we are all too familiar with the prayerlessness of the ungodly.  But to think that prayer could actually be used as an ungodly instrument is a startling thought indeed.

"This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, Who seek Your face. Selah" Psalm 24:6 It was a time of great spiritual awakening. A genuine time of revival and renewal.  The Psalmist says that men were seeking the face of God, and they were seeking His face in a very special, specific way.  They were searching for the face that illuminated Jacob's face when He had his great encounter with God.  Where exactly was that? At Peniel - the place where he had his third vision of God.  Remember? Jacob had seen the Lord in His power at Bethel and in His providence at Mahanaim, but it was at Peniel that He saw the Lord in His personal presence.  Jacob came face to face with the Living God and the light of the Lord's face fell on Jacob's.

"...Then the glory of the LORD appeared to all the people, and fire came out from before the LORD and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar..." Leviticus 9:23-24 As I read my Bible, I find that there are two types of fire which are mentioned.  There is sin's fire and there is God's fire.  There is a fire that comes from hell, and there is a fire that comes from Heaven. The first fire destroys man's soul.  The second fire refines man's soul.  Now, the fire that comes from sin comes because of a lack of the presence of God.  But Heaven's fire only comes when He is very near -  even at the door.