Pastor Brad’s Bookshelf

A well-known and often-quoted statement on reading says, “Leaders are readers, and readers are leaders.” That’s one of the reasons why I have always been an avid reader. You can usually find me with several books that I am working my way through at the same time. I primarily read for fun, personal growth, and to equip me to be a more effective and efficient pastor and preacher. On this page, I will share with you the books that I am currently reading. Occasionally I might even share a simple review. I hope this page encourages you to read more and, as a result, become a better leader.


January 2025

“The Lessons of History: The celebrated collection of essays compiling over 5000 years of history by two of the greatest thinkers of our time” by Will & Ariel Durant

From concise survey of the culture and civilization of mankind, The Lessons of History is the result of a lifetime of research from Pulitzer Prize–winning historians Will and Ariel Durant.

With their accessible compendium of philosophy and social progress, the Durants take us on a journey through history, exploring the possibilities and limitations of humanity over time. Juxtaposing the great lives, ideas, and accomplishments with cycles of war and conquest, the Durants reveal the towering themes of history and give meaning to our own.”