Pastor Brad’s Notebook

"Thus says the LORD: "Take heed to yourselves, and bear no burden on the Sabbath day..." Jeremiah 17:21 Have you ever stopped to really consider why God forbade the Jews to work on the Sabbath? You might think it to be some sort of a punishment - an act of penance that was just a part of their ritualistic religion. However, I think it was for just the opposite reason. I don't think that this command was intended to associate the seventh day with a dead ritual. Rather, I believe that it was designed to connect the Sabbath with the brightness of God's presence and the rest of His pleasure. That's why the Lord said that they were to "bear no burden on the Sabbath day." This command wasn't meant to be a punishment. It was intended to be a privilege - a sort of sacred holiday for His special people.

"He covers the face of His throne, And spreads His cloud over it." Job 26:9 What a startling statement. God Himself hides His sovereignty. Now, I can understand why God would hide His beauty, because any picture is made up of both light strokes and dark strokes. It even makes sense that He would hide His plans and purposes because in our finite, ignorant minds we might not understand the benefit found in them. But what sense is to be found in the hiding of His sovereignty?

Let's just be honest, we're too busy as families and couples today. We're so busy trying to do everything that we want to do, or are expected to do, that we don't have time to slow down and enjoy the life that we have together. As the old saying goes, "We're so busy trying to make a living that we fail to make a life." As a pastor I find that this is increasingly true in many marriages - mine included. There's just so much to get done and not enough time in the day to do it. Wouldn't you love for there to be just three or four more hours in a day? Some days I'd settle for just ten more minutes.

October is  Pastor Appreciation month. This is the month when many churches will take some time to show their appreciation to their pastor for his love and ministry over the past year. Some churches will take up a love offering for their pastor. Many will put a basket in the vestibule for members to place cards in with kind sentiments they want to share with their pastor. A few churches may even have a dinner or a reception, a nice time to get together, to express  their feelings for their pastor.

"Prepare the table, Set a watchman in the tower, Eat and drink. Arise, you princes, Anoint the shield!" Isaiah 21:5 "Anoint the shield!" As I study the Bible I find that a shield is a very special and unique piece of the armor of God. It's not a strength for catastrophe, it is that thing which keeps catastrophe from falling on me. The power of my arm may enable me to bear, but it is my shield which enables me to escape having to bear. My power is that which lifts me to my feet when the blow falls, but my shield keeps the blow from falling on me. My power supports what is already, but it is my shield that defends against what would have been.