Author: Brad Whitt

It is an unambiguous statement. You can’t dodge it or soften it. God says it openly, plainly and publicly – “I hate divorce…” (Malachi 2:16) Why does God hate divorce? Why does divorce break the heart of our God? I believe, among other things, it is because of what it does to the family – the picture of our relationship with Him and the foundational building block of society. More specifically, I believe that God hates divorce because of what it does to the children of those families that suffer the tragedy of divorce.

"But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple." Revelation 21:22 Is this a threat or a promise? The Revelator says that as he surveyed the sublime sights of the heavenly city he "saw no temple in it."  Seems sort of strange, doesn't it? Certainly it makes sense that there would be no pain or sorrow or suffering or death in this place called Heaven. That makes perfect sense to man's mortal mind. But to consider a heaven with no temple seems about as out of place as a sky with no sun, a forest with no trees, or a sea with no water.  Doesn't it?