I know, that's an odd title for one of my Friday posts, but he did! My three-year-old son Jack, who can be a bit of a picky eater, just ate Japanese food - and then asked for more. Now, this may not be a big deal to you, but for this daddy, this is HUGE!
Kim is due to have third child any day now. So, I thought I'd be a good husband pick up some dinner to bring home. (Nobody wants me cooking in the kitchen. Tried it once. Bad idea.) She had been craving Japanese food, so I dropped by our favorite local chopstick-toting restaurant - Joy of Tokyo - and ordered steak and chicken teriyaki with steamed rice. Even as I was placing the order, I thought, "There's no way that Jack is going to eat this." Oh, he loves chicken and rice, but mostly the fried kind. Which, it turns out, are not the most healthy of foods.