Author: Brad Whitt

"Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21:28 With these words Jesus turned the entire world, and even history itself, upside down. Once these words were uttered all of the wisdom of the world's conventional commentators were forever rendered obsolete.  No longer would our earthly experience be business as usual. No! With these words our normal understanding of why and how things happen were overruled by the infinite insight of the eternal Lord.

"But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God." 2 Corinthians 4:2 I once heard my pastor Adrian Rogers say, "If it's true it isn't new." Had the apostle Paul heard him he would have given a loud and hearty, "Amen!"  I say this because I believe this is the essence of Paul's point in this statement to the church at Corinth. I understand Paul to teach that there shouldn't be anything purely original in a revelation. When he writes about "commending ourselves to every man's conscience," I believe he's talking about commending truth to the "consciousness" of man.  Paul's point is that divine truth, like any other truth, must first speak to man's experience. It must appeal to something that the hearer already knows to be true. In other words it is "a faithful saying worthy of all acceptation."

There are few things that are more powerful in relationships than words of affirmation and affection. This is especially true in our relationship with our family.  I can remember as I was growing up looking and listening for those types of expressions from my parents. While my parents weren't perfect (what parents are?) they still made sure to let me know that they loved me and were proud of me.

One of the disciplines that has been a personal priority of mine since I was a college student is the memorization of, and the meditation on, scripture. This is also a discipline that I want to instill into my young children. I want my family to be one that has a firm foundation that is built on God's Word so that we will know how to act, what to think and respond to the various situations and circumstances of life in a way that honors our God and encourages others. My friend and mentor Steve Gaines refers to this as "thinking Bible." I think that is a great way of describing what I want to be true in my life and the life of my family.