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Fridays Are For Family - Travel Buddies[/caption]
This past week I spent a lot of time on the road, preaching a revival at another local church, and a Bible Conference several hours away. Normally these are spiritually invigorating, but physically and relationally draining times. However, I learned a lesson from my father that has stuck with me since the days of my earliest memories - always have a "travel buddy."
Looking back, I honestly can't remember a time when I didn't travel with my dad. Whether it was just a quick trip to visit a new family in the church, a "drop in" to pray for and encourage someone in the hospital, or even a long road trip to the Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, I always enjoyed those times being my dad's "travel buddy." That's why I make it a point to take one of my kids with me when I travel. I want to create those memories, and have that quality time with them, like I had with my father.