17 Feb Sunday Video Preview – February 21, 2016
Make sure to bring a friend and be in your spot early this Sunday morning at Abilene as we continue our series of studies on...
Make sure to bring a friend and be in your spot early this Sunday morning at Abilene as we continue our series of studies on...
"But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in...
In recent years, I've noticed an increase in one question that I took for granted would only be asked by those considered "unchurched." It's a...
In his book Walking With the Giants Dr. Warren Wiersbe shares a brief biographical sketch of Reverend Joseph Parker. Rev. Parker was the son of a simple...
In the midst of this current, contentious political atmosphere there are not many positive posts to peruse. However, there are posts that the informed Christian...
I met my wife, Kim, when we were in high school. We dated for six years before getting married and have now been married for...