Devotional Thought – The Power of Personal Ministry

Devotional Thought – The Power of Personal Ministry

“Now it came to pass on the next day that Moses went into the tabernacle of witness, and behold, the rod of Aaron, of the house of Levi, had sprouted and put forth buds, had produced blossoms and yielded ripe almonds. ” Numbers 17:8

Have you ever stopped to consider why it was only the rod of Aaron, the emblem of the priesthood and picture of sacrificial love, that budded?  So many times we dream of and desire the power and glory of the world’s kingdoms. We look with longing at the king’s sceptre – the symbol of personal might. However, have you ever pondered why out of the twelve it wasn’t the sceptre of the king, but the staff of the priest that budded?

This is a very powerful picture indeed. That which is able to bring forth blossoms and fruit is more than a mere ruler, it is a creator that inspires even more life. That’s why I believe the priest’s staff was mightier than the king’s sceptre, because even though a king’s rod can subdue life, only Aaron’s rod could create it.

Have you ever invested the power of sacrifice to see new buds, flowers and fruits brought into this world? There are seeds of life deep down in the valley that have not bloomed because sunlight has yet to reach them. They are living in the darkness and shadow, waiting for the warmth and life of light. If there were only some way that light could reach them and warm them they would surely burst forth with flowers; the desert would burst into praise and the wilderness would be glad.

You, Child of God, have the light and warmth of your Father. Will you go? Will you bear His light to those who are in such desperate need? Will you descend into the dark valley where lonely limbs can not bring forth their buds because of a lack of the sun? Will you carry to the dark and desolate spots of this world His radiant light?

The rod of rule would surely crush the seeds of life because of their lack of beauty, but the staff of sacrifice can bring them into full blossom. It can wake them with the bud’s of hope; it can touch them with the tears of human sympathy; it can encourage them with the warmth of another. Such is the power of personal ministry.

If your brother has fallen into sin or despair do not speak to him from the height of your mountain. Go down to him and meet with him where he is. Go down and tell him that you are with him. Tell him that his fall has not made you his superior. Go down and restore – yes, but restore such a one with a spirit of meekness. Don’t do so from the height, but from the level of a conscious awareness of a common weakness. Then the buds will burst forth in the sunshine of your sacrifice. The blossoms will unfold in your light.  Your rod will become as Aaron’s rod and your kingdom the throne of the Lamb.

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