Fridays Are For Family – Welcome Benjamin James Whitt

Fridays Are For Family – Welcome Benjamin James Whitt

Early yesterday morning Kim and I made our way to Greenville Memorial Hospital to welcome the newest addition to our family. After about 10 hours in labor my wife delivered our 9 lb, 1 oz bouncing baby boy.

We had struggled with what to name him. In fact, we had literally spent the past nine months making list after list of names trying to find one that would be just the perfect fit for our third child. Earlier this week we decided that we would know what to name him when we met him. So, when he showed up at 5:12 pm on Thursday, March 1, 2012 we knew that his name would be Benjamin James Whitt.

Of course, the name Benjamin is the name of Jacob and Rachel’s second son and it literally means, “Son of my right hand.” It speaks of the special place that this young child had in the heart of his father, Jacob.

I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with this precious baby boy. I’m so grateful that both mom and baby are healthy. I’m trusting that Benjamin will trust Christ for salvation at an early age. And, I’m expecting God to do great things in and through the life of this little boy who’s sleeping across the room from me as I write this morning’s post.

Thank you Lord for blessing our family with this precious gift.

Welcome to our family, Benjamin James Whitt.

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