Devotional Thought – The Test Of The Spirit’s Presence

Devotional Thought – The Test Of The Spirit’s Presence

“But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.” John 7:39

It’s a question that has caused considerable consternation: “How can a person know if they have received the gift of the Holy Spirit?” Is there any test to help determine the Spirit’s presence or absence in the life of an individual? John says that there is indeed such a test.  He says that the Holy Spirit had not been given yet, “because Jesus was not yet glorified.”  So, the test that tells of the Spirit’s absence is that of an unglorified Jesus, and the proof that proves His presence is a heart where Jesus is honored.

Have you ever considered this test of the Spirit’s presence in your life? How many times have you gone searching for some sign to prove the Spirit’s presence? You sought to find some manifestation, have an utterance, perform some action to show that the Spirit was there. No doubt you discovered that signs show very little. You see, your outward walk will often lag so far behind your inward worship that it will seem as if God has certainly passed you by.  That’s why I find so much comfort and confidence in the Beloved Apostle’s words. He says that the first, and truest, test of the Spirit isn’t an outward life, but an inward love. Your walk may lag behind, but your love will run on ahead to shout and show it’s coming.

So, the truest test of God in your life is this question, “Is Jesus glorified in your heart?” Do you sense your heart drawn to Him in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the commuting crowd? Are there moments when the awareness of His presence passes through your mind and fills your heart with joy? Are there times when you desire more than anything to be like Him, to be near Him, to be holy as He is holy? Yes? Then in your heart He is already glorified. He may not yet be glorified in your world because our actions often travel more slowly than our affections. However, if He now lives in your aspirations then He has already been crowned in your heart. You see, the heart is the crown-city of His kingdom. If He has had His coronation there you can be assured of His dominion everywhere.

Are you following His Spirit with your spirit today? Do you desire Him and admire Him? Do you want to follow Him and imitate Him? Does the presence of His person make you long to be more like Him? Is His person something you strive for? Do you long to be with Him and seek to be more like Him each and every day? Then you have truly passed the test of the Spirit’s presence. You could not see Him or long to be like Him if He were not present in your heart. If your heart races, your pulse quickens at His presence, it is because His life is in yours. You certainly have received the gift of the Holy Spirit because Jesus has been glorified in your heart.

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