Devotional Thought – Adam’s Naming Of The Animals

Devotional Thought – Adam’s Naming Of The Animals

“Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name.” Genesis 2:19

Why didn’t God give the animals their names? After all, wasn’t all of creation formed by the word of His will? God had said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. He had said, “Let there be a firmament,” and there was a firmament. All of the acts of His marvelous creation were done as the decrees of a monarch – until He came to the creation of man.

When God created man from the dust of the ground He not only changed His method – from speaking and creating to stooping and molding – He changed His tone. He laid aside His imperial imperative and said, “Let us make man in our image and let him have dominion.” Then God brought all of the creatures that He had created to Adam to see what Adam would name them, and whatever Adam called them, that was their name. God voluntarily accepted the decision of His own creation on a question of natural order, agreeing to call all of the animals by the names that Adam had given to them – in effect, thinking with human thoughts.

Why was there such a dramatic change in the divine order? Where did this increased freedom come from that was afforded to the soul of man? Why doesn’t God deal with me in the same way He does with the stars – binding me to an orbit from which I cannot deviate? Why does He allow me to name so many things and classify them on my own as if I were all alone in the universe? The answer is because I’m not a star. I’m not some sort of a machine sent forth to only do as I’m told. It is because as a man I have a will, and because without my will I would no longer be a man. The same thing that makes me a man also give me the power to name the creatures of creation and to delve into the secrets of the universe.

Knowing that to be true, doesn’t it make sense then that there would be times in which I would be left alone? If I were nothing more than a machine – a robot – I could never move without direction from another. I would only go where I am told and do what I am commanded to do without the ability to choose. But, I’m not a machine or a robot. I am a soul, a heart, a mind and a will! I have the ability to reason and imagine. I have the capacity for sympathy and empathy. My Father created me this way. So, doesn’t it make sense that there should be times that He would leave me to alone to form my own judgments and make my own decisions?

Don’t think that there is no God simply because there are times that He leaves you to name your own way. Don’t say that you are hidden from God because you have so often listened in vain for an audible voice from Heaven telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. It is actually because you are not hidden from Him that no voice comes. He wants to see what names you will call things. Just like an earthly Father, our Heavenly Father tests the ability and intellect of His children. So, how would He test you except by leaving you for a moment by yourself to see what name you would give to what you see? Would you call that which is good, good and that which is evil, evil?

Adam’s naming of the animals wasn’t just an extraneous aspect of creation, it was in fact a pinnacle in the Creator’s creative work for it shows that the reason God set out to create – for fellowship and glory – had been accomplished. Man had the ability to choose. It is this distinction that makes me not only different from all of His other creations, but gives me the ability to choose to love my Creator. That brings Him more glory than the brightest star shining in the night sky.

  • Ron Hale
    Posted at 16:32h, 02 January

    What a great closer … for this article:

    “Adam’s naming of the animals wasn’t just an extraneous aspect of creation, it was in fact a pinnacle in the Creator’s creative work for it shows that the reason God set out to create – for fellowship and glory – had been accomplished. Man had the ability to choose. It is this distinction that makes me not only different from all of His other creations, but gives me the ability to choose to love my Creator. That brings Him more glory than the brightest star shining in the night sky.”

    In heaven … I hope to ask the Lord about creating that … Wildebeest — the ugliest of all antelopes.

  • Bob Hadley
    Posted at 22:05h, 02 January


    Love your statement, “It is this distinction that makes me not only different from all of His other creations, but gives me the ability to choose to love my Creator. That brings Him more glory than the brightest star shining in the night sky.”

    I have said for sometime, the purpose for our creation was to give God the only thing He does not have, that is my love for Him. I have His love for me, but I have to love Him in return and just as you said, “That brings Him more glory than the brightest star shining in the night sky.”

    Great Post to begin the New Year!


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