Devotional Thought – The Dawn Light Of Easter

Devotional Thought – The Dawn Light Of Easter

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”  John 1:4

The life of the Lord Jesus Christ has illuminated the entire world.  That truth can not be denied on this Easter morning.  But the Lord’s light that has illumined this world comes not just from what He did, but also from who He was.  “His life was the light of men.”

Today, we talk about the life-work of a man, but Jesus’ work was His life. When I want to get light from other men, I look to their books, but when I want to get light from the Lord I simply look to Him.  The sermon that He preached on the Mount of Olives was great, but the preacher who preached it is greater.  The miracles He performed were amazing, but the One who performed the miracles is even more amazing.

I understand this Easter morning that some would say the resurrection revealed His glory, but I would say that His glory revealed the resurrection.  You see, it’s not that the resurrection made Jesus, but rather that Jesus has made the resurrection.  For those who have beheld His beauty, even the truth shared on the Mount adds no more. The miracles that He did among men are no more significant, for His everlasting light is just as bright on His cross as it is on His crown.

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.”  That’s what He said about Himself.  He didn’t say, “I teach” or “I make” or “I prophesy” about the resurrection.   No, He said, “I am the resurrection and the life.”  To Him, it was almost unnecessary to say, “In my Father’s House there are many mansions,” because His very life ought to have been our very light.  Can’t you hear Him?  “If it were no so, I would have told you.”

Do you doubt tomorrow? Or the next day?  Are you looking for the testimony of Jesus among the stars of the sky or the angels of Heaven? You’re looking in the wrong place.  You’re looking too far.  It’s not His testimony, but His very life that will be your light.  You see, no man can find by searching the gate that leads to everlasting life.  The only way to find it is by His life.  Remember this – the crown is found by following the cross.

This morning, in the dawn light of Easter, look to Jesus, listen to Jesus, lean on Jesus.  He is the resurrection and the life.  He is the life of men and He will be your light and life if you will simply follow Him.

He came. He lived. He loved. He died. He rose from the dead so that you might have everlasting life.

Today, if you would like to invite the Light of the World, the Lord Jesus into your life simply pray: “Jesus, I know that you love me.  I know that you came to this world and died for me because you love me.  I know that you rose from the dead on the third day so that I might have everlasting life.  I repent of my sins and place my trust in you.  Please come into my heart to be my Lord and my Savior. Thank you Jesus for saving me. Amen.”

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

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