Devotional Thought – The Lord’s Love Of Life

Devotional Thought – The Lord’s Love Of Life

“Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it up again.” John 10:17

“That I may take it up again…” As we look toward Good Friday and think about the last week of the earthly life of Jesus, we must be reminded that the real beauty of the Savior’s sacrifice is not found in its despair. Despair is a sight that the Father never longs to see.  Why would He?  An artist doesn’t want to see his work despised, and that’s what life is – it is God’s work and He says its beautiful.

So, how could He love one who wished to lay it down?  Wouldn’t that be a criticism of the Father’s work instead of some sort of sacrifice of praise? Surely. But if death were to be desired for the sake of all life, then that would make all the difference in the world.  If death were to be sought because all life is precious, it wouldn’t be sad but would in reality be a tribute to the Father.

That’s what we find in the words and work of Jesus.  Never before, or since, has there been someone who felt the joy and saw the beauty of life like our Lord did.  In fact, life was so dear to Him that He was willing to die for it.  So, in willful and prospective joy – not grief – Jesus yielded Himself to the cross.

It was the value of life – not its worthlessness – that made Jesus willing to die on the cross. His sacrifice at Calvary was actually an act of praise to the Giver of life. That’s why the Giver of life loved it.

Jesus laid His life down so that He might take it back up again.

So, what does the scripture mean when it speaks of entering into the joy of your Lord? Does it mean that the Lord’s joy is something that comes only after your act of sacrifice?  No, quite the opposite. The Lord’s joy is what prompts the sacrifice in the first place. Think about it. Aren’t your deepest sacrifices always prompted by joy? Don’t you study and pray late into the night for the joy of just possibly seeing Heaven opened? Don’t you deny yourself, sacrifice personally, for the joy of making the one you love richer? Don’t you go to where the hurting and hopeless, the sick and the sinful are for the joy of maybe, just maybe, seeing them set free?

Don’t wait until after the battle has been fought and the victory has been won to enjoy into the Lord’s joy. You need His joy for the battle that is to come.  You see, nothing can conquer death except the love that comes from the Giver of life.  It is the rose that enables you to endure the thorn.  It is the Sun that enables you to face the cloud.  It is the calm that equips you to meet the storm.  It is by tomorrow’s bread that you are able to handle today’s hunger.  It is the star that leads you to the cross.  The flame that lights your fire is the torch of hope.  So, if you would make it through winter’s chill, then you must first be bathed in summer’s warmth.

“Lord, thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you that you love life so much that you were willing to die that I might live. Thank you for being separated from God so that I won’t be. Thank you for laying your life down – and taking it up again.” Amen.


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