Devotional Thought – Our Abundant Entrance

Devotional Thought – Our Abundant Entrance

“for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:11

I remember the first time I read those words, “entrance will be supplied to you abundantly in to the everlasting kingdom of our Lord. . .”  I thought, “What does that mean? To enter ‘abundantly?'”  Is there a way to both get in and be shut out?  Are there degrees in the entrance to the kingdom.  Some would say, “Yes, a man may have his foot in both worlds.  He may be half in and half out.”  I don’t know of anybody who would call this an “abundant” entrance.”  Others may say, “A man may make it with bruises or limping.  He may be saved ‘as by fire.’  He may owe his life to leaving everything behind and beginning anew in the new world as a pauper.”  The problem with these examples is that they all have one thing in common – they each describe somebody leaving this world and trying to enter the next with a distorted nature.  That’s not the way that it is in the Kingdom of Christ.  No other kingdom guarantees that your entranced will be supplied abundantly.

The Communist believes that he enters by losing his individuality.  The Philosopher believes that he enters by losing his daily life for a dream.  The Muslim enters, but there is no room for the  outer man. The New Ager believes that he can get there, but its only his inner man that can make it. But in Christ’s kingdom there are no distortions, there are not displacements.  Death has no dominion there.  We don’t even have to wait for death to get there.  The gate to the kingdom is here, and when I enter the gate I don’t drop anything of who I am – my whole person goes in – body, soul and spirit – all without blame or blemish.

I believe that’s exactly what Paul meant when he wrote, “you are complete in Him. . .” (Col. 2:10) The philosopher isn’t complete.  The Muslim isn’t complete.  The Buddhist isn’t complete.  The Hindu isn’t complete.  The New-Ager isn’t complete.  It’s impossible to enter their gates with praise because when you do you lose something, you become poorer, but we are complete in Christ.  He’s the one Master that doesn’t mutilate.  He’s the only One who gives abundant entrance.  He has a mission for every mind, a vision for every eye, a goal for every brain, a love for every heart, and a praise for every soul. He has the free flowing crystal river, the never ending new song, the unsealed mystery, the fellowship of the saints,  the endless activity, the ceaseless rest , the kingly power and the ministering life.  For what part of me has He not prepared a room?

So many times we talk of the spiritual as if one of these days we’re going to have to leave something behind in order to enter His kingdom.  But when we do so, we fail to remember that He has promised us “abundant entrance.”  Thus, every part of us becomes a spiritual concern.

We need to learn that every gate of our person and personality may prove to be the gate of entrance into His kingdom and thus a Beautiful Gate.

May my wealth be the Beautiful Gate as I spend it for the poor. May my health be the Beautiful Gate as I work for the weary. May my manner of conduct be the Beautiful Gate as I live before the Lost. May my voice be the Beautiful Gate as I sing for the weary.

“Dear Jesus, in the glow, may I see Your glory.  In the wind may I catch Your whisper.  In the power of pity may I read Your purpose.  In sorrow may I trace Your hand and through all of these, may Heaven be opened by a hundred doors. Amen.”

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