Devotional Thought – Light for Life

Devotional Thought – Light for Life

“This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5

What is light?  For hundreds, if not thousands, of years men have asked that simple yet profound question.  Scientists have researched it, philosophers have pondered it.  But in the end light is not something to search for, but rather it is something to search by.  A man is incapable of finding God simply by searching for Him, but if he will just accept Him he will, as a result, find everything else.

You see, my evidence for God comes from what He shows me.  I must have a light in order to even begin.  In essence and in my life, I enter a dark room having lost something – the key to my real nature.  I can’t find what I’ve lost if I don’t turn on the light. In fact, I I can’t even enter the room to begin my search without turning on the light.  I don’t move from the dark into the light but rather from the light into the dark – by way of the light.

To use the poetic, I must take the wings of the morning before I even begin my journey.  It is one thing to go to the uttermost parts of the earth looking for the morning; it is an entirely different thing to travel there on the wings of the morning.  If there is light as I begin it will reflect and illuminate everything around me.  Those who walk in the light are the ones who met the light before the night fell.  God is His own great interpreter because in God’s light we will see light.

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