Fridays Are For Family – 15 Fun Ideas For Your Family This Fall

Fridays Are For Family – 15 Fun Ideas For Your Family This Fall

I do love this time of the year. There’s something about leaving behind the blazing heat and washed out scenes of the summer and moving into the cooler temperatures and brilliant colors of the fall that speaks to my soul. I’ve always loved the fall. Some of my earliest memories go back to this time of the year. I remember jumping into leaf piles, games of touch football and tagging along with my dad behind a pair of far-ranging english pointers in the search for quail. If I let my mind wander much at all, I can still smell the musty aroma of those leaves, the first pot of chili on the stove and the unforgettable smell of a wet birddog.

One of these reasons why I enjoy this time of the year so much is because of the time we get to spend with family. Too many times summer is spent apart from family. I know that it shouldn’t be that way, especially since the children are out of school, but it’s true. Think about it. A couple of the weeks of summer vacation are spent at this camp or that one. There’s probably a week where one child will go the beach with a friend, then another child will do the same with their friend. Mom and dad will probably have a week or weekend getaway by themselves. There are sports commitments and summer classes to get ahead for college. Oh, and don’t forget that summer doesn’t last nearly as long as it used to. So, a week here, a week there and the summer has passed.

The fall isn’t as frantic as the summer seems to be. It takes its time coming and lingers until the last minute possible. Then it gives way, almost without notice to winter. It’s a wonderful, beautiful, meaningful time of the year, and one that you should spend with your family.

So, since fall is so special and even better when spent with your family, I asked my staff to share some of their favorite ideas and outings for the fall. I share these with you so that you can pick through them, add to them or share them with someone else. I pray that they are a blessing and encouragement to you to today.

15 Fun Ideas For Your Family This Fall:

1. Rake leaves together, and then enjoy jumping into the piles.

2. Spend the day picking apples together as a family.

3. Bake and enjoy an apple pie together.

4. Go for a ride together in the mountains to enjoy the changing of the leaves.

5. Build a bonfire in the backyard and make smores together.

6. Go through a corn maze together as a family.

7. Go pumpkin picking together and then carve a funny face – then roast and eat the seeds.

8. Spend a Friday night or Saturday afternoon cheering on your favorite football team together.

9. Go camping together – even if it’s just in the backyard.

10. Enjoy a day together at the county or state fair.

11. Go on a hayride together.

12. Create and hang a fall wreath together.

13. Go for a bicycle ride together.

14. Watch a parade together.

15. Spend Thanksgiving day together serving at a homeless shelter.

These are a few of the simple suggestions from the Abilene staff. What are some of the fun things you enjoy doing together as a family in the fall of the year?



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