Fridays Are For Family – O How They Grow!

Fridays Are For Family – O How They Grow!

Daddy and JonathanThis coming Tuesday, the Whitt family will celebrate our “unexpected blessing,” Jonathan’s, first birthday. Looking back on Jonathan’s first year, I remember a piece of advice one of my senior saints in a previous church shared with me. He said, “Don’t blink, they’ll grow up before you know it.” This year is proof of that truth.

It seems just like yesterday that we were anxiously awaiting Jonathan’s arrival. Then, in a flurry of activity from the doctors and nurses, a heroic effort from my wife and a near fainting spell from someone we won’t mention, he was here. The weighing and measuring took place, a moment with mom and then he was off to the nursery and his first bath.

I remember the soft little onesies and baby blankets. Those first nights home where we would take turns changing, feeding (Kim pretty much took care of the feeding) and snuggling with our new baby boy. It all seemed to run together.

Over the past year, I’ve seen him grow his a little personality that’s all his own, and more curls than we ever imagined. He loves playing with balls and his brothers and sister. He watches everything that goes on and wants to be right there in the middle.

I guess the greatest surprise for me is that he is obviously more of a “daddy’s boy” than the other three were at this age. His big blue eyes follow me around the room. It doesn’t matter who is holding him; if I get near he will lean forward as if to say, “Daddy, hold me.” I say that this is a surprise because our first three children tend to want to hang out with mom.

In just the past couple of weeks Jonathan’s gone from crawling, to pulling up to pretty much walking across the room without help. I imagine that before I realize it he’ll be ready to run the bases on the ballfield and chase a birddog with me. I’m looking forward to those days.

I guess the lesson to learn from this trip down memory lane is to remember again how precious every single day is with your child. It is special because every day is a gift you only get to open once. Unwrap it carefully and enjoy it fully!

So, happy early birthday to my little buddy, Jonathan! We all love you so very much. You’re growing up so fast, and I’m very glad you’re a daddy’s boy.

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