2010 SCBC Pastors’ Conference

2010 SCBC Pastors’ Conference

We are just days away from this year’s SCBC Pastors’ Conference.  It has been both an honor and a pleasure to work with pastors and leaders from across this great state to put together what I pray will be a day of encouragement and equipping in the lives of some of the Lord’s choice servants.  I am so very pleased with how our team has worked together to help make this day possible. I’m trusting that through the worship and the Word that our great God will show once again to those on the front lines of everyday ministry that He indeed is able!

With that in mind I wanted to provide a very simple, and maybe even a bit of a selfish, prayer list and ask if you have the time to take a few minutes and lift these to the Lord.

1.  Pray for those pastors coming in for our day together to have safe travel.

2. Pray that those who think that they can’t come, but need to come, to come.

3. Pray that all of those who come will be ministered to and encouraged from the moment that they pull into the parking lot.

4.  Pray that the Lord will use this day to show Himself able in the lives of His servants.

5. Pray that this day will empower, encourage and equip pastors to return to their ministry fields with a fresh vision and fire to reach and minister in the name of Jesus.

6. Pray for our preachers – both for travel and for a fresh word from God.

7. Pray for all of those leading in worship that the focus will be on Jesus.

8.  Pray that all of us will have divine opportunities as we are out and about over the course of our time in Irmo to show and share Jesus.

9. Pray for those who will be elected to lead the Pastors’ Conference next year.

10  Pray for me that I will have the strength and wisdom to lead the way that the Lord would desire.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  I really believe that this is going to be a tremendous time together and I look forward to seeing what the Lord does in our lives.

See you this coming Monday at 9 am at the Riverland Hills Baptist Church in Irmo.

He Is Able!

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